About the Employee Ownership Foundation


The Employee Ownership Foundation is a recognized 501(c)(3) organization supported by grants and tax-deductible donations as well as the volunteer efforts of dozens of individuals throughout the nation. The EOF is governed by a 50-person independent Board of Trustees with an eight person Executive Committee.

History of the employee ownership foundation

Since its founding in 1991, the Employee Ownership Foundation has operated in pursuit of a single overarching goal: to help more individuals become employee owners.

The Foundation has raised and donated millions of dollars to collect data used by academics, encourage objective research, and to facilitate dialogue about employee ownership between thought leaders. Going forward, the Foundation will also place a larger emphasis on raising awareness of the employee ownership model among business owners and to fund more applied research that can further improve the market advantage held by well-run employee owned businesses.

Governed by a national 50-person Board of Trustees and an eight-person Executive Committee, the EOF is recognized by the IRS as an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations to it are tax deductible.

  • Current unrestricted endowment of approximately $2,000,000, and annual donations of approximately $500,000.
  • Each year, the EOF distributes between $350,000 and $500,000 in advancement of its mission.
  • Recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-profit since 1991.
  • Dedicated to the promotion of employee ownership as a model for business, education, and research.
  • Donations to the EOF are tax deductible.

Employee Ownership is the new American Dream. When you own a stake in the company where you work, you have an unbeatable opportunity to build a better tomorrow for yourself and your family.

- Jim Bonham, President, Employee Ownership Foundation

View the Foundation’s Leadership