The Employee Ownership Foundation Charles R. Edmunson Scholarship
The Edmunson Scholarship Opens Annually from June 1 - July 15
Charles Edmunson dedicated his life to the belief that all employees should be provided an opportunity to own a piece of the company where they work, and that each employee owner should be offered the respect and dignity of an owner. Charles believed that education was the cornerstone of this vision. The Charles R. Edmunson Scholarship helps to fulfill his goal by offering non-management employee owners the opportunity to attend motivational and educational programs that promote employee ownership and educate attendees on the rights, responsibilities, risks, and rewards of employee ownership. The scholarship can be used at an Employee Ownership Foundation or an ESOP Association event, including chapter programs, multi-day conferences, national events, and the ESOP Employee Accelerator program. The scholarships will recognize individuals nominated by their companies that the Selection Committee deems could best benefit from the opportunity to attend an ESOP Association educational program.
There are two different scholarship opportunities available that are dependent upon where the company is in their ownership journey, Recognition of Achievement (typically mature ESOPs) and Ownership Thinking Development (new ESOPs or ESOPs rebooting their ownership culture).
Recognition of Achievement (for mature ESOPs)
Scholarships awarded are to companies for the nominated individuals who play a significant role in the development and enhancement of their company’s successful ownership culture. These companies and the individuals proposed for scholarships are typically mature ESOPs in terms of ownership culture and ownership behavior activities conducted. This category recognizes ESOP champions.
Ownership Thinking Development (for new ESOPs or companies rebooting their ESOP ownership culture)
Scholarships awarded are to companies for the nominated individuals who are starting the journey to an ESOP culture or who are working to restart/reboot/refresh the ownership culture within the company. These companies and individuals are seeking support to develop skills, knowledge and the practice of ownership culture creation.
If you wish to apply for a scholarship, please note the following important information regarding the application process:
- Applicants are required to be current members of The ESOP Association.
- The Employee Ownership Foundation accepts applications annually between June 1 and July 15.
- Completed applications must be returned to the Employee Ownership Foundation at
- Companies will be notified of receipt of application.
- Award recipients will be selected and notified in early September.
- Scholarships will not be awarded to the same company two years in a row.
- The scholarship award is $2,000 total per awarded company.
- Funds are awarded to the company to reimburse the expenses of the nominated employee owner(s)’ participation in the educational program of their choosing.
- Scholarships are nontransferable to other individuals at the company and can only be used for an in-person event.
- By applying for the Charles R. Edmunson Scholarship, the employee-owned company agrees to abide by all the terms and conditions of the Charles R. Edmunson Scholarship.
To see a listing of past Edmunson Scholarship recipients please click here.
Terms and Conditions
Award Amount
Each scholarship reimburses $2,000 to the employee-owned company selected for the Edmunson Scholarship, for expensed related to attending an educational program hosted by The ESOP Association or The Employee Ownership Foundation including but not limited to ESOP Employee Accelerator programs, Chapter and Regional conferences and meetings, National ESOP Association events including National Conference and Employee Owned. The scholarship amount of $2,000 may be split between two employee owners should the winning company have more than one employee owner identified in their application. Funds must be used by December 1 of the following year that funds are awarded (ie winners announced in September 2024 have until December 1, 2025 to utilize scholarship funds).
Who Can Apply and How
Employee owned companies may submit one application on one of the categories on behalf of their employee owner(s). Each employee owned company may nominate up to two employee owners. The individuals nominated should not have a managerial role in the company. Employee owned companies must submit on behalf of their candidate(s) a fully completed application form, including a bio and photo. (Bios and photos will be used to share information about those who are awarded scholarships.) Scholarships will not be awarded to the same company two years in a row. Scholarship funds are nontransferable to other employees at the awarded company. You must choose one category to apply to.
How the Scholarship Can be Used
The scholarship can be used to defray costs incurred when attending the employee ownership educational programs listed above. This can include, but is not limited to, registration, lodging, and travel. The scholarship must be used by December 1 of the following year awarded. This allows the company to have a year to plan for the educational program that they want their employee owner(s) to attend. After expenses have been incurred, a reimbursement form and receipts will be submitted to the Employee Ownership Foundation for payment. Detailed instructions will be provided to scholarship recipients.
Guidelines for Selection
The employee owned company shows interest in promoting the educational growth of their employees. Employee owners demonstrate an interest and passion in expanding their knowledge about employee ownership. Employee owners articulate how they will use the knowledge and experience gained to benefit their company as well as themselves personally. Employee owners within their company practice good citizenship and genuinely promote the beliefs of employee ownership with some demonstration of need or passion or something that is compelling.
How and When Recipients Are Chosen
Applications will be accepted annually between June 1 and July 15. Award recipients will be announced by early September. A sub-committee of the Board of Trustees will select the final award recipients from the applications received. The number of scholarships awarded each year will be determined by the Board of Trustees of the Foundation and will depend on the financial strength of the Foundation.
Disclaimer: The winning applicants’ images and biographies may be used by Employee Ownership Foundation and The ESOP Association on their respective websites as well in news releases and other social media clips. Winning applicants will be provided a release for this purpose after the awards are made.